Boston Globe, Low Level Laser study


Laser light triggers stem cells to regrow teeth


Photo by Praveen Arany et al. Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences: Colored scanning electron microscopy images of a scaffold seeded with cells used to assess effects of laser treatment in stimulating the production of more dental tissue.


Please note: These pages represent only a tiny sample of the resarch available on Low Level Laser, and are purely for general information purposes, to give you an idea of the scope of Low Level laser, how it works, what Low Level Laser research studies show about its general effects, and the wide range of health issues that have been helped by it. The thousands of published studies on Low Level Laser have used various systems from various manufacturers, or more basic or specialised systems built in research centres, so strictly speaking, similar results can not be extrapolated to systems other than those used in the studies. Health and wellness are also very individual issues, so these studies should not be interpreted as proof that anyone other than the study participants would receive the same reported benefits. This section is provided purely as a source of inspiration in how Low Level laser might help you improve your own health. We do not treat or diagnose conditions -- our approach is that if your body has the optimal conditions for good health, it will be better equipped to deal with any health challenges it may face, now or in the future.


With a simple, low-power laser, Harvard University scientists have triggered naturally-occurring dental stem cells to regrow teeth in rats. The work is a step toward developing a new form of dental therapy that could be used in people, but also represents a broader shift in thinking about how to trigger the body’s natural regenerative capacity.

In the new research, described in the journal Science Translational Medicine on Wednesday, scientists injured two rat molars, side by side, and then administered the laser treatment to only one tooth. They saw roughly twice the amount of regeneration that occurred on the untreated tooth, after a single, five-minute laser treatment.

“There have been lots of anecdotal reports that laser treatment can trigger regeneration, but it has been unclear how reproducible it is,” said David Mooney, a professor of bioengineering at Harvard who led the work.

The researchers also began to untangle how the laser treatment worked, by triggering a molecular chain of events within the tissue. Those insights suggest, more broadly, that stem cell therapies may not always require creating cells and grafting them back into the body, but could also include triggering cells in the body to form new tissue using external stimulation.

The portion of the tooth that grew back is called dentin -- a mineralized tissue that forms a layer between the pulp and the outer enamel of the tooth. The new dentin had a different structure than in naturally-occurring teeth, which may be a problem to be refined and studied further.

Mooney said that the basic science described in the paper has the potential to take a relatively short path into the dentist’s office because the treatment can be localized and doesn’t require a powerful laser. The low-power laser the researchers used appeared to trigger no immune response or destruction of tissue. Instead, it caused cells to create molecules called reactive oxygen species that subsequently triggered a boost in a protein called TGF-beta1, which is known to activate stem cells.

Mooney said that one of the scientists who led the work, Praveen Arany, has since moved on to work at the National Institutes of Health, and is focused on translating these insights into a therapy that could be tested in people, as an alternative way to cap teeth and prevent root canals, for example, or to decrease tooth sensitivity to extremes of temperature.

Mooney is also interested in whether a similar approach could be used to stimulate stem cells to regrow other types of tissue.

Dr. Jonathan Garlick, director of the Center for Integrated Tissue Engineering at the Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, who was not involved in the research, said it was a powerful proof-of-concept. Now that it is clear that the laser can trigger regrowth of tooth tissue, he said, it will simply be a matter of refining the technique and learning how to use it to regrow the tissue appropriately -- and making sure that it doesn’t cause any side effects. He added that the technique could eventually find wide use.

“I think it’s very relevant directly in a variety of different tissues that require stimulation and activation of healing and repair -- such as chronic foot ulcers in diabetic patients, bone healing, and bone regeneration,” Garlick said. “I think this has broad applications.”

Carolyn Y. Johnson can be reached at