Low Level Laser - Healing with Light

"Matter is Energy. Energy is Light. We are all Light Beings."

Albert Einstein 

Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) uses certain wavelengths of light to achieve several therapeutic effects:

  • relieve pain and reduce inflammation
  • speed up healing of burns and wounds
  • assist regeneration of nerves
  • improve blood circulation (especially in limbs)
  • remove addictions (especially smoking)
  • stimulate acupuncture meridians

In use for over 40 years, low level lasers give energy and information to cells, helping to boost their healing potential.

Unlike most industrial and surgical lasers, low level lasers (also called cold lasers) are not used for cutting, etching or to heat up tissues. In fact, we all use far simpler types of low level lasers in daily life -- in our CD and DVD players, and in supermarket bar-code scanners.

Safe and non-invasive, the only significant risk that therapeutic low level lasers may carry is damage to the eyes if used without filtering goggles, or shone directly into the eyes. However, some of the latest therapeutic low level lasers have less focused (non-collimated) beams and these pose negligible risk of any kind.  


The Magic Molecule

When exposed to low level laser light, cells produce more of the energy molecule ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate). And with more ATP, cells become more efficient at everything. That includes their most basic function, self-replication -- the repair and renewal of tissues. This gives Low Level Laser an advantage in many forms of healing, and explains its increasing use in high-end spas and beauty salons, for both preventive anti-aging and remedial work.


The Fastest Information Carrier

Our information society runs on a combination of lasers and silicon chips. Through lasers and fibre optic cables, light can be used to transfer vast amounts of information very quickly, even at very low intensities.

This analogy applies to the human body. Using only the body's electrical signals and chemical messengers, it is difficult to explain the coordinated replacement of approximately 10 million cells dying every second. Strange as it may seem, there is now plenty of research to indicate that photons (or light energy) play a leading role.


The Greatest Bandwidth

The shorter the wavelength, the more the capacity: the latest Blu-Ray devices, increasingly replacing standard DVD players, will soon be replaced themselves by even more powerful violet lasers which are already in use for therapeutic purposes.

The latest generation of low level laser therapy devices can carry large amounts of data, and are highly programmable down to specific frequencies and packets of information.


Widely Used in Sports

"We now know that.. light can initiate cascade-like reactions in the cells, and that genetic cellular damage can be virtually repaired, within hours, by faint beams of light. We are still on the threshold of understanding the complex relationship between light and life, but we can now say, emphatically, that the function of our entire mechanism is dependent on light."

Professor Fritz Albert Popp - the German biophysicist who, in the 1970's, discovered photon emissions in living cells, and their role in the body's internal communications. Popp is the founder of the International Institute of Biophysics in Neuss, Germany, a network of 19 research groups from 13 countries researching biophotons, and of the International Consciousness Research Laboratory at Princeton University. He is a visiting professor at various unversities around the world, and an invited member of the New York Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Low level lasers are widely used at the highest levels of sport, including top soccer, cricket and rugby teams, and various olympic teams.

One good example is cyclist Lance Armstrong, one of the greatest athletes of all time and seven times winner of one of the most gruelling competitions in the world: the Tour de France.

Jeff Spencer has treated Armstrong regularly with Low Level Laser, and reports that if an injured athlete can be given LLLT within two to three hours of the injury, rehabilitation time can be halved.


Extensively Researched

In 2002, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration gave its first clearance for Low Level Laser following a double blind clinical study. This trial involved 100 patients complaining of neck and shoulder pain. Half were treated with a red laser at a meaningless frequency, the other half with Low Level Laser. The treatment group showed faster and more complete relief than the placebo group by a huge margin of 66%.

Studies since then have also been passed by the FDA for carpal tunnel, wounds, scar tissue and arthritis. Today, there are over 2,000 studies published on Low Level Laser Therapy, reporting a wide range of benefits.

One of the most interesting and promising avenues is suggested by a study published in May 2014. Scientists at Harvard University triggered migration of stem cells into damaged teeth, regrowing the affected tissues. Given the central role that the teeth and mouth play in overall health, this work is very promising, but it has clear implications well beyond the field of dentistry. 




Paul is a qualiified energy medicine therapist based in Brighton. He has an M.A. and an ITEC Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology. He is also a member of the World Association of Laser Therapy.


PLEASE NOTE: I retired from giving Low Level Laser treatments in 2017. This in no way reflects my belief in the effectiveness of Laser, LED and other energy therapies. For me this is just a personal choice as I focus on running The Life Mat Company, supplying the iMRS Prime system using  Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields (PEMF), the therapy in which I now specialise. 


Paul Lowe